Thursday, May 17, 2012

Creede Part III

Part III
The Gargantuan stood amidst the rubble and chaos he had caused.  The unconscious Jeremy lying under a mound of debris.
All the piles of rubble lay still as the Gargantuan approached the wile where Jeremy once stood. “Creede, my boy, come out and play,” he laughed, “We’er not done yet.  The Ministry of Carpatha has plans for you.”
As he neared the pile Jeremy erupted with a barrage of punches.  Each one he landed began force the Gargantuan back.  “This one is for all the people you killed…this one is for luring me into this trap…and this one is for the woman I loved!”  The final blow Jeremy struck sent the Gargantuan flying through a thick concrete wall.
Jeremy smiled as he watched the dust settle from the now collapsed wall.  In the wake of the dust Jeremy could make out the Gargantuan’s silhouette standing unharmed.  The smile slowly left his face as the Gargantuan began laughing demonically.
Fear was the last thing to cross Jeremy’s mind as he charged the behemoth again.  Jeremy was met by a fist that stopped him cold.

When Jeremy awoke the Director of Admissions, Mr. Carpenter was standing at his side.  He was talking with a shorter, grey haired fellow.  “You know, Lawrence, I thought that we were cleared to recruit,” he started, “You’d think that the Ministry of Carpatha would be gunning for the big dogs.  Why Creede?”
Jeremy was dazed but he finally realized that the man Mr. Carpenter was speaking to was the man who had just sent him a welcome postcard from Florence, NY, Lawrence Grey.
“Well how do you feel, Jeremy?” Lawrence asked as he looked down at the still dazed Jeremy Creede.
“I feel like…costume…Tiffany?” Jeremy was rapidly coming out of his stupor, “Is she...?”
Lawrence bowed his head as he looked away, “I’m sorry, kid.  I got here as fast as I could and believe me when I say I made it a short trip.”  Lawrence said placing his hand on Jeremy’s shoulder.
Jeremy was heartbroken.  His eyes welled with tears as he thought of his promise to her.  He thought of the costume she had made him with love in every stitch.
“So when do we leave?” Jeremy said as the tears began to run down his face.
“You aren’t ready for him?” Lawrence said. “We will leave now for training.”  Lawrence knew what Jeremy had on his mind.  He had been down that road himself.  When his wife was murdered by the Disciples of Ragnarok, he chased his wife’s murderer to another universe to catch him.  Lawrence knew the pain well, but also knew what it meant if Jeremy were to face the Gargantuan now.  He needed training, focus, and the understanding of what ultimate justice truly was.
“Training? What do you mean…training?” Jeremy argued, “I’m going to find that Gargantuan and kill him.”  Jeremy shot up from the sidewalk were he had been laying and grabbed Lawrence by the lapels of his suit jacket.  “I’m going now and if you have a problem…” Jeremy’s sentence was brought to a screeching halt as Lawrence turned and drove him face first into the pavement.
Lawrence managed to hold him there as he struggled and fought to get up. “Now listen up. I’ve seen a lot of your types since I started with the RBP.  You hunt him down now and he’ll kill you.  I’ve fought the Gargantuan myself and all I know is that I had a hard time getting him locked away the first time locking him away the first time.  Now he’s back and for some reason he working with the Ministry of Carpatha.  So if you don’t agree to training I’ll just kill you first and save the Gargantuan the trouble.  Understand?” 
Lawrence was right.  If Lawrence could render Jeremy useless what could the Gargantuan do?
Jeremy conceded to Lawrence’s command as he dusted himself off.  Jeremy’s heart was on fire.  He had tasted loves sweet embrace and in an instant it had been taken from him.  They made their way to Lawrence’s van as more rescue workers appeared on the scene.
“There’s no telling what the tabloids will say about this one.” Mr. Carpenter chimed in.
Once they were both in the van and on their way Jeremy’s curiosity began to get the better of him.  He noticed Lawrence glancing at a photo of a beautiful woman on the dash of the van. “Who is she?” Jeremy asked as he sipped on a soda Lawrence had provided.
“Well that’s a story for another time.  Let’s just say that her killer is the reason I don’t want you trailing around after the Gargantuan.”
“He killed your wife, didn’t he?”
“No, not the Gargantuan, but his son, Tordal.  He is far more powerful.  Where Tordal was able to hurl a car at you with ease…The Gargantuan can hurl a small building.” Jeremy fell silent at his words.
After that there wasn’t much talking going on.  Jeremy couldn’t argue his way to the monster.  His only path lay at the end of an eight hour trip.  Final destination, Florence, New York.

To be continued…

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