Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Creede Part II

Part II
Jeremy took a good long look in the mirror when he came home.  He had only hoped for the chance to go to college.  He had never even considered moving so far away so soon.  He had always figured that he would stay close to home anyway to help his father with the farm.
‘RBP?’ he thought to himself as he sat down at the small computer desk in his room.  He typed it into the web search engine and hit enter.  A very long list came up.  There were numerous reports from news sites on the recent happenings in New York.  He had seen the three letters on one of the folders in the Manila folder.
He pulled the envelope from his bag and pulled out the folder.  Inside there was only one single form.  It looked more like a McDonald’s application than the application to some government agency.
Moments after the search engine loaded its results he noticed that his email had a new email in it.  He was used to getting a lot of email from family and friends, but this one was different.  It was the title that caught his attention. ‘RBP Lawrence Grey’.  It read:
Dear Mr. Jeremiah Creede,
I recently received word on your skills recently and we would like
to offer you a position within our organization.  If you have any
questions or concerns feel free to call me

Lawrence Grey
Jeremy smiled.  He would not sleep that night.  With recent events in Florence New York the world was starting to notice something.  Not everyone was normal.  He was starting to notice something as well.  Neither was he. 
‘So are they superheroes straight out of a comic book?’ he thought as he began to pack a bag.  As the first piece of clothing fell in it hit him, ‘Why do they want me? Sure I’m a great athelete, but they couldn’t possibly think that…’ He was immediately reminded of what had happened at EKU only a few hours ago. 
It was obvious that he was different and he wondered what this might do to his family.  How would they react?  There had been an outpour of malicious rhetoric about ‘Humananovum’ or New Humans. 
The phone rang and Jeremy’s mind was thrust back into the present.  “Hello, Creede Farm.”  He had become so accustomed to farm life his answer was just reflex.
It was Tiffany, Jeremy’s high school sweetheart.  He hadn’t even thought about what this meant for their relationship.  “Jeremy, I just heard,” She sobbed, “Some place in New York wants to hire you?”
“Well, yeah.  I only found out a few hours ago.  I hadn’t thought to call…” he half expected her to snap at him for not calling sooner.  There was just so much to take in he hadn’t got there yet.
“So, you’re one of them…I mean…a Humananovum?”
“Maybe, but it’s just a job offer.  They’ll probably do a physical and run some blood work and send me back.  I doubt…” Jeremy paused, he knew it was a lie and it killed him to say it. “Look…something happened today on campus…I don’t know how to explain it, but…”
“So you are,” he could hear her sobbing deeply, “Well you go do your superhero thing and once you save the  world…you come back home to me.”
Jeremy didn’t know what to say.  Tiffany hung up before he could even respond.  He didn’t want to leave her, but surely the signs were there.
The rest of the night was quiet.  His parents came home from running errands and started dinner.  The smell of frying chicken soon filled the house.
After dinner there was a knock at the door.  Jeremy answered to find Tiffany standing there.  She had been crying and her eyes were still red, but as she looked at him she handed him a box she had been carrying.  “It’s just a little something I made for you.” 
Jeremy invited her in.  He brought her a glass of lemonade from the kitchen and sat down beside her.  “I know this changes everything, but I think I should do this.”
“Just open it.” Tiffany said fighting to hold back more tears.  The box held a costume.  It was blue and red trimmed with gold.  “I just thought that if you were going off to play superhero you’d need a good costume…do you like it?”
He was amazed at the quality and especially liked the shining star on the chest. “It’s…amazing.  Did you make this?”
She nodded, “Every stitch.”
“I…don’t know what to say.”
“Say you’ll come back when you can.”
“I will,” he said pulling her in close, “when I can.”
That night they lay asleep holding each other tight knowing it could be for the last time. 

When morning came Jeremy found that he was alone.  From the looks of things Tiffany had already left.  Jeremy got dressed and headed for the door.
As he was coming down the stairs the doorbell rang. ‘Tiffany must have just stepped out, I’d better go let her in.’ He thought as he quickened his pace.  The door swung open to no one.  All that was there was a note.  It read:
You had better be on that bus for Florence NY.  If you don’t I’ll see to it that Tiffany…well I think you get the picture.
The Gargantuan
The shock overwhelmed him.  It wasn’t possible.  He reached for his cell phone and dialed her up only to find that the voice mail had changed.  It was still Tiffany, but now she was reading the note that he had been left.
‘Is the Gargantuan with the RBP? What do they think will come from this? My willing participation?’ he thought as he grabbed his bag and headed out the door.
The bus station was packed to capacity with college students arriving for the fall semester.  Jeremy couldn’t help but wonder if anyone here was just stopping through on their way to Florence.
“One ticket to Florence New York, please.” Jeremy requested as he looked around carefully.
“Are you Mr. Creede?”  the cashier asked.
“Your ticket was paid for some time ago, but I have a message that was left here for you this morning.”
The cashier handed over his ticket and a sealed envelope. ’The Gargantuan was here,’ he thought as he quickly opened the letter.
I’m glad to see you made it on time for your bus.  I assure you that Tiffany will be quite alright as long as you get on.  In fact you will see her pretty, smiling face as soon as you pull away.
If you decide to walk away this entire bus station will erupt in a ball of fire.
The Gargantuan
“Is the person that left this message still here?” Jeremy demanded.
“I don’t know sir.”
“Well if that person returns please give them this message for me…” Jeremy scribbled down a note for the cashier to call the police and evacuate the building calmly.
The cashier eyed the message carefully then looked up at Jeremy.  His face seemed to say, ‘just shut up and do it’.  She nodded to him and retreated back into the manager’s office.
Jeremy picked up his bag and headed for his bus.  There was a good chance that Tiffany’s kidnapper would still set the station ablaze and Jeremy didn’t want those lives on his conscience.  He wasn’t sure if getting on that bus was the right thing to do, but it seemed to be the only way to prevent bloodshed.
As he began to climb on a booming voice came from behind him. “You are so foolish.  Did you think I wasn’t watching you?” Jeremy turned to see.  He knew that he was going to see the Gargantuan.  At least, that’s what he wanted.
Jeremy laughed when he saw him.  The man was sporting red metal armor.  “And you are? Captain lobster? The red rocket?”
As he approached the Gargantuan he was startled at how much taller the man was than himself.  He was at least two feet taller than Jeremy.  His face was covered with a metallic mask like a skull. “I am the bringer of despair. I am the soldier of destruction. I am the harbinger of death. I am the Gargantuan!” the man screamed, “Your little girl friend dies, NOW!” 
In the Gargantuan’s hand was a small remote.  He clicked the button.  The explosion took the entire bus station up in a burst of heat and flames.  The fires of the explosion consumed nearly everyone and those who still remained were now trapped in the inferno.

To Be Continued…

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