Sunday, July 27, 2014

Project for my brothers b-day

Some time back, my brother, his husband, my wife, and I went camping in Daniel Boone national forest.

My brother brought along his newly acquired walking stick with the intention of going hiking while we were there.  This, of course, never happened.  As a result the walking stick was abandoned on my back porch.
He had plans of carving finger notches in it as well as designs...this never came to pass.

As his birthday approached I thought it might be nice to finish his work.
First I stripped the bark off of it.  Then drew a nice little dragon on it in ink.  This was after I had his husband do a little recon to find out what he would like.  
Next came the carving.  About half way through I wished that I had chosen a simpler design.  Thanks to my trusty dremel I was able to get the details right.
I also decided to fancy it up a bit with leather and rivets.

Next came paint.  Easy enough.
Last was the task of staining the wood.  After all the carving this seemed like child's play.

Happy birthday Chris!  I had better get some pictures of you actually going for a!

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