Sunday, January 1, 2012

My First Published Book

I am happy to say that after several years of rejections letters from publishers (because my name isn't Stephen King) I have decided to try my hand at self publishing.  With the help and support of my wonderful wife I hope to see plenty of readers.

The Oblivion Chronicles is the first of a series that I am working on.  I hope to have the next done this year, but I am making no promises.

It is on sale at for $0.99 (plus applicable taxes).  It's not about the money it's about the story.

So thanks to my wife and


  1. Just to clarify, The Digital copy is $0.99.
    The paperback copies will go for $8.99
    (plus applicable taxes and fees for your area)

  2. It's finally out on paperback. And it looks great!
