Friday, January 27, 2012

Words and Verizon

While viewing all the funny pics posted by people on Facebook I came across a remarkable funny photo of a check written to Verizon.  I did a little research to track down the validity of this check...dorking out with a bit of my free time.  I was amazed to find that there was a major issue that brought this about. More importantly there was a recording of his conversation with 2 of the Customer Service Reps.  And even after he was able to clearly show them what was wrong they still refused to accept it.  How willfully ignorant does someone have to be to ignore the obvious.

Check it out here: 

I find it remarkable that most people overlook simple math errors.  Especially when they amount to so much money.  I'm not a mathematician and I would have overlooked it as well.

I guess I'll be going over my phone contract as well as brushing up on my math skills.  Sneaky Snakes!

A round of applause for this guy though...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My First Published Book

I am happy to say that after several years of rejections letters from publishers (because my name isn't Stephen King) I have decided to try my hand at self publishing.  With the help and support of my wonderful wife I hope to see plenty of readers.

The Oblivion Chronicles is the first of a series that I am working on.  I hope to have the next done this year, but I am making no promises.

It is on sale at for $0.99 (plus applicable taxes).  It's not about the money it's about the story.

So thanks to my wife and